Client Area
Terms Of Service & Acceptable Use Policy
- By using our services, you agree to not abuse our systems/network that may harm the usability of other client services, or harm outside networks/individuals. We may terminate or suspend access to our service immediately, without prior notice or liability, including without limitation if you breach the terms of service.
Service Abuse & Acceptable Use
- Examples:
Harming other networks (outgoing d(DoS) attacks)
Harming individuals (hosting or distributing malicious content)
Abnormal high network usage (over 200 Mbit/s or high packets per second (PPS)) for an extended period of time
Abnormal high CPU usage (over 90%) for an extended period of time
Distributing copyrighted or trademarked content (copyright/trademark infringement)
Distributing/Hosting Fraud or phishing
Harming other users on the host system or the host system itself
Using any tunneling or VPN software to resell NetworkLayer bandwidth/protection is prohibited. Contact us if you require it.
No resale or redistribution of service, You are not allowed to resell or redistribute the Unmetered Bandwidth service to third parties, or use it as a means of generating revenue or profit.
No network abuse, You are not allowed to abuse the network or interfere with other user's ability to access the service. This includes activities that cause congestion, degrade service quality, or disrupt network performance.
If your IP address which is assigned to your services gets blocked by our provider (, we will suspend or terminate your service immediately. You will have a week to explain why this has happen and what will you do to prevent this in future. If we approve, then you might receive a second chance.
- We are not responsible for reminding you to pay the invoice to extend your service, You must pay invoices within 7 days or after the invoice has been generated, We are not responsible if your service gets terminated due to overdue on payment.
- "Unmetered Storage & CPU Usage" - If your server includes these features, you may request additional resources with a valid justification. However, if we observe that your server is causing harm to the host system or other clients, we reserve the right to impose resource limits.
- "Unmetered Bandwidth" - If your server has this, it means you can request more bandwidth with a valid reason. If we detect that your server harms other clients or host system then we have full rights to implement bandwidth limits on your server.
Unmetered Storage
- Fair Use Example: Storing essential data for active players, Game server files necessary for gameplay.
- Unfair Use Example: Storing excessively large files, Backing up data, Utilizing plugins such as Chunky to preload Minecraft chunks, Storing non-game-related files, Deliberately causing harm to the host system or other clients.
Unmetered CPU Usage
- Fair Use Example: Loading player chunks within reasonable limits, Executing game processes required for normal operation, Implementing rate limits for CPU-intensive tasks. Unfair Use Example: Running applications that excessively consume CPU resources, Operating non-approved custom server software, Intentionally disrupting the host system or other clients.
Unmetered Bandwidth
- Fair Use Example: Transferring data for active player's gameplay needs. Unfair Use Example: Hosting a file-sharing service (CDN), Reselling bandwidth, Tunneling or using VPN software.
Data Responsibility
- We do not assume responsibility for the data stored on your service. While we make efforts to safeguard your data, we cannot be held responsible for any loss that may arise during rare events such as hardware or software failures.
- However, we will endeavor to assist in data recovery to the best of our ability in such circumstances.
Refund Policy
- If you purchased any of NetworkLayer services (excluding dedicated servers) within 72 hours (or 3 days) and if you are unsatisfied with the service, you are able to request a refund if a valid reason is present. Violating our Terms of Services makes you inelibigle for any refund.